Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Front Page News

Two years ago my oldest daughter, Jordan, started a sewing club for girls, called Reach Out. The girls in the club learn to sew, knit and crochet from older women, and then donate the items they make to the needy around the world. To date they have sent blankets, pillows, baby clothes, scarves, hats, mittens, and more to orphanages in Russia, and Nigeria, as well as to a women and children’s shelter in Tucson.

Today the local paper featured Reach Out in a story about how they are sending more than 40 blankets along with scarves, tote bags and other items with us to Kenya. There are some great pictures, including the cover image of the Family Plus magazine, which is also featured on the front page of the paper!

It does a Daddy’s heart good…

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