Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Amani ya Juu

While still in Nairobi, Kim sent me an email about an article she read in World Magazine. The story was about Amani ya Juu (higher peace in Swahili), a place that provides counseling, community and work for refugee women. The women are taught to sew, and their handcrafts are sold online and at their store and cafe in Nairobi. We called and found that it was just a few minutes from the DOOR training center, so we went and purchased many Christmas gifts there.

Moriah and some ladies at Amani:

Moriah and ladies at Amani

The front of the store:

Amani Store Front

Courtyard and play area:

Amani courtyard

Moriah shops in the children's section of the store:

Amani childrens area

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