Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The last testimony

We finished videotaping all 19 translators' testimonies this afternoon!

the last testimony being videotaped

Remember, you can click on any image to go to its Flickr page and download a larger version, or see all the blog pictures and more on the Kenya 2007 photoset.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark and Moriah,

I've never blogged before, so this is all new to me!

Thank you, Mark, for sharing your heart and soul to us; we have all so enjoyed sitting around the fireplace reading your entries and looking at your photos. Just traveling to such a drastically different place in the world is an emotional experience, but you have experienced far more than just traveling upheaval.

God has certainly blessed you both and your labors. Your continual "interaction" with those of us who have gone with you in spirit is uplifting; we feel as though we have actually gone with you!

May God bring you both home safely, with more tender and renewed hearts.

Blessings and in Christ's love,
