Wednesday, December 12, 2007

More celebration!

I already talked a bit about the celebration. It included worship and a Bible lesson, as well as the handing out of certificates.

One of the staff's daughters watches by the drum as the translators pray

More singing

Moriah mans a video camera and takes pictures of the ceremony

After the formal ceremony, we had lunch and took some pictures of some of the kids.

Children of some of the guests

After dinner we had a more informal time of gifts for the translators and story telling.

Moriah handed out some busy bags to staff kids.

Another busy bag

Tesfaye tells about his first plane ride (to come to DOOR this year). He had us all laughing at his descriptions. Pray for him as he is a new Christian, but very much on fire and excited about taking the Bible to the deaf in Ethiopia.

Tesfaye tells about his first plane ride (to come to DOOR this year)

The highlight was when the DVDs were presented to each team. These DVDs are the first Bibles that the Deaf have in their heart language. They are just a part of the Bible, but an important start. The gifts of personal DVD players for each translator will enable them to share the Word of God with deaf in villages throughout four countries in Africa - Kenya, Zambia, Ethiopia and Burundi.

The Kenyan team receives their DVDs

This was like seeing the Gospel of John given to a tribe in South America, only there were four countries, each with their own sign language. What an awesome privilege to witness this and to have been a part of this in a small way!

Praise God for His faithfulness and the faithfulness of His people!

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